We got there at 12:27pm on Friday, which, honestly is the perfect time to get to a lake. This is because 12:27 pm is right when the early "mommy" crowd and all the loud bedlamites that accompany them are leaving (so they can get home home for lunches and naps) but still before the later "single" crowd and all the swagger and flapdoodle that accompanies them start arriving.
But rather it is the time when all the grand people are arriving. And so you get to share the lake beach with pleasant grandparent type folks who all coo and smile at your daughter and look at your little family with that look of "ah what a sweet little family..." and you feel like all of a sudden you just time warped to the 1950's when women still wore one piece bathing suits and men still wore a shirt unless they were actually in the water (or looked like Sean Connery). And since everyone knows the 50's where the golden age of America - well, it's perfect.
Or perhaps it is the fact that I don't have to get out of bed early to get there by 12:27pm that makes it enjoyable for me...then again it is also very probable that I enjoy arriving at that time because there are simply less people in general there and thus less people to witness the unveiling of the brilliant whiteness or "second sun" AKA "the other white meat" that is my upper body when I go swimming. Who knows. It could be a myriad of sundry reasons, but the fact remains that 12:27 pm on a Friday is the perfect time to arrive at a Lake beach.
Anyway, we had a grand time. Claire played in the water, we cooked some hotdogs, I sat on the beach, Hillary got to swim, Claire and I dug a mini lake in the sand, I made a huge sand mountain which Claire throughly enjoyed destroying and ultimately even I jumped in the water for a time, (thus fulfilling the requirement for a "full outing.")
We even saw a snake. Personally, I do not like snakes. I wouldn't say I was afraid of them because this is a public blog and such an admission might be wrongly interpreted as "unmanly" and let's face it, I spend most of my days watching dora the explorer, playing with dolls and having tea parties with Disney princesses so I can't just go loosing "manly" points on something like being afraid of snakes...I don't have enough to spare. Anyway, it wasn't that big of a snake...3ft at most...and it was just swimming on by... no closer than two feet...just close enough for you to go "oh my, that's a snake" and calmly pick your daughter up and get out of the water.
Certainly nothing that would cause your heart to suddenly thump hard against your chest and instigate a semi-frantic uncoordinated lunge from the water yanking your daughter with you so hard that she later says "Dada that wasn't nice." No certainly nothing like that. Although if such a scenario did happen to have occurred one could not be blamed for such a reaction because there is a large concentration of copperheads in the area and any such reaction would have surely stemmed from concern rather than fear. Certainly.
In other news we all got sun burned. Well I say "all" but really I mean me. Since Hillary doesn't burn and Claire had sunscreen. But I have been burning for as long as I can remember so no biggie there...just business as usual.
Anyway, Hillary started her internship (which is actually technically called an externship, for reason of which I am unsure) with a Judge on the State Court of Appeals in Raleigh. So far she is really enjoying the work. She is partial to research and writing and that is most of what her position entails, so it follows that she would enjoy it. She commutes to Raleigh everyday so she is gone from about 7am till 6:30pm everyday which makes for long days but she gets Fridays off so that helps make up for the longer days. I am getting ready for the LSAT, only two weeks to go. I wouldn't say I am getting nervous because, again, that would be "unmanly," but let's just say that I am anxiously engaged in preparing.
Well, that is about it for the last little few weeks here. Sorry no pictures this time. I'm a lameo. I know, your thinking, for "realsies?" "no pictures?" like we really care about you going to the beach, we just want to see pictures of Claire! But alas it is true, no pictures. I will do better next time.